
Rottenacker was already an important place of the duchy Swabia around the year 1100. The princes, bishops, earls and dukes recognized the charm of the beautiful landscape along the Danube and “Albanstieg” and gathered here several times for assemblies. Meander of the Danube, biosphere reserve and UNESCO ice-age world heritage are in close proximity. A highlight is the repeatedly awarded new town centre at the village square with the town hall, exemplary museum and restaurant. The formative red brick hydroelectric power station powers the whole community with renewable energy. Above this station, the presumably most photographed stork couple at the Danube cycle path nestles. The wonderful natural bathing lake invites you to swim and recover. An old document of the city describes its inhabitants as cheerful, frank, fun-loving and helpful. Nothing has changed in that respect. Welcome!

Rottenacker-Haldenberg-Donau-Landschaft-GemeindeRottenackerRottenacker-Musuem -Donau-Sehenswürdigkeit-GemeindeRottenackerRottenacker-Brunnen-Donau-Landschaft-GemeindeRottenackerRottenacker-Badesee-Donau-Landschaft-GemeindeRottenacker


Gemeinde Rottenacker
Bühlstr. 7
89616 Rottenacker
Tel.: +49 7393 95040
Fax: +49 7393 950420