18 Stromtreter-Altmühl-Danube-Tour

Start Kelheim

Beginning and end are the Wittelsbacher city of Kelheim with its Hall of Liberatrion. The first stage leads alongside the Main-Danube-Canal into the Altmühl valley. Passing Essing with its castle ruin Randeck, castle Prunn and the stations of the archeology park Altmühltal. How about a break in the town with three castles, Riedenburg and a raptor air show in castle Rosenburg? Afterwards you will leave the Altmühl valley on an old railway line through the Hienheimer forest and get back to the Danube valley. Once you have reached Hienheim, you will first cross the limes, the former border of the Imperium Romanum and then cross the Danube via cable ferry. The Roman fort Abusina in Eining is definately worth a visit. The path goes on to the Weltenburg monestary which is located in the „Weltenburger Enge“, the first national nature monument of Bavaria. A Baroque Asam chruch, the oldest monestary brewery in the world and a monestary tavern. A spiritual stop combined with indugence. For the last stage to Kelheim, you can either follow th Danube cycle path up the Weltenburger mountain or admire the impressive Danube breach on board of an excursion boat.

  • Length:

    51 km

  • GPX

Essing-BruckturmBurgruine-Donau-Sehenswürdigkeit- TourismusverbandImLandkreisKelheime. V.,Anton MirwaldKelheim-Befreiungshalle-Donau-Sehenswürdigkeit- TourismusverbandImLandkreisKelheime.V.,AntonMirwaldRiedenburg-Schifffahrt-Donau-Landschaft- TourismusverbandImLandkreisKelheime.V.,AntonMirwald


Tourismusverband Landkreis Kelheim
Donaupark 13
93309 Kelheim
Tel.: +49 9441 2077330
Fax: +49 9441 2077335